Saturday, November 16, 2013

New Day & Age

It has been a little bit since I have blogged last. 
My daughter is now a week shy of 9 months old (and all over the place, might I add!) 
We are closing on a home in a week! 

Back to what I really wanted to blog about. This day and age. There must be some reason why social media is such a popular thing. So popular that face-to-face interaction doesn't happen as often as it should anymore.

What happened to the childhood where we played in the dirt, built forts and played cartoon tag? I have no idea! It has happened right before my very eyes. 

The cell phone, the computer, from instant messaging to mypsace to facebook and all of the other things in between. 

Is it the fact that we can be who we want to be on the internet? Or the fact that we can think before we type, and make ourselves appear to be so much better than we actually are? 

So that we can simply put the pictures of ourselves that look the best, and give off the impression to the world that we are FUN and totally awesome people. 

So we can hide behind a name as we put other people down and be the judger of all judges? 

As silly as that all sounds, and as I type it here on this very blog I have to believe it to be mostly true. 

I have been on a social media page now for 6 years, and I have witnessed so much. You start to feel like you do not know what genuine is anymore. Especially when communicating with your own family becomes mostly texting, facetime, or facebook commenting. 

I wonder how things will be in an additional 50 years, and the things that my grandchildren will have to explain to me "How to do" because I am no longer 'hip and a part of their "day and age"' 

For now I am stuck in this very world, raising my beautiful daughter and contemplating the questions that no parent ever thought they might ask themselves..

When do I allow her to use a cell phone, or have a facebook, or get a computer!? Can't I shelter her from this very world where cyber-bullying is the norm and not ENJOYING face to face time with your friends is the usual! Where kids don't get dirty in the mud, and scuff their knees from falling off of a bike, but instead are sexting, killing zombies on video games and tweeting. 

Well I hope, hope soo badly that she will enjoy her childhood, and not try to grow up too fast. I hope that her skirts stay past her ankles ( HAHA yes ankles...) and that she stays innocent as long as she possibly can. It is a scary world we are living in. Several marriages are built from online dating websites, and half the people on the web are catfishing or being CATFISHED. And while I wish I could protect her from all of the things in this world that I think could potentially harm her, I suppose it is also my responsibility to let my daughter make her own mistakes and learn from them (Though I will try VERY VERY hard to give her all the advice so that she wont make too many heartbreaking mistakes) 

And that my friends, is the end of my rant. 
Much love, 
xoo. :)


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